India’s poor bear the brunt of heatwave; see pics | Photogallery

01 / 36/news/india/indias-poor-bear-the-brunt-of-heatwave-see-pics/eventshow/91433141.cms01<p>The northwest and central parts of India is reeling under the fresh spell of heatwave as the maximum temperature in Banswara area of Rajasthan was recorded at 46 – Photogallery
The northwest and central parts of India is reeling under the fresh spell of heatwave as the maximum temperature in Banswara area of Rajasthan was recorded at 46.5 degrees Celsius. The other state districts Bikaner, Sri Ganganagar and Jaisalmer each recorded a maximum temperature of 45.5 degrees Celsius. The soaring temperature has made the life of poor people in the country harder as they don’t have means to escape the heatwave. Most of the poor population in the urban areas are living in the slum and other conjusted colonies. The free and clean drinking water is limited and the frequent power cuts are order of the day in these areas. The India Meteorological Department predicted that a rise in maximum temperatures by 2-4 degrees Celcius is very likely in the region in next three days. The heatwave conditions are likely to prevail over Vidharba region till May 11, over west Rajasthan during May 8-11, over south Haryana and east Rajasthan durig May 9-11. (Reuters)The northwest and central parts of India is reeling under the fresh spell of heatwave as the maximum temperature in Banswara area of Rajasthan was recorded at 46.5 degrees Celsius. The other state districts Bikaner, Sri Ganganagar and Jaisalmer each recorded a maximum temperature of 45.5 degrees Celsius. The soaring temperature has made the life of poor people in the country harder as they don’t have means to escape the heatwave. Most of the poor population in the urban areas are living in the slum and other conjusted colonies. The free and clean drinking water is limited and the frequent power cuts are order of the day in these areas. The India Meteorological Department predicted that a rise in maximum temperatures by 2-4 degrees Celcius is very likely in the region in next three days. The heatwave conditions are likely to prevail over Vidharba region till May 11, over west Rajasthan during May 8-11, over south Haryana and east Rajasthan durig May 9-11. (Reuters)Read MoreRead Less02 / 36/news/india/indias-poor-bear-the-brunt-of-heatwave-see-pics/eventshow/91433141.cms?picid=9143332102India’s poor bear the brunt of heatwave; see pics – Photogallery
03 / 36/news/india/indias-poor-bear-the-brunt-of-heatwave-see-pics/eventshow/91433141.cms?picid=9143332303India’s poor bear the brunt of heatwave; see pics – Photogallery
04 / 36/news/india/indias-poor-bear-the-brunt-of-heatwave-see-pics/eventshow/91433141.cms?picid=9143323604India’s poor bear the brunt of heatwave; see pics – Photogallery
05 / 36/news/india/indias-poor-bear-the-brunt-of-heatwave-see-pics/eventshow/91433141.cms?picid=9143327805India’s poor bear the brunt of heatwave; see pics – Photogallery
06 / 36/news/india/indias-poor-bear-the-brunt-of-heatwave-see-pics/eventshow/91433141.cms?picid=9143315806India’s poor bear the brunt of heatwave; see pics – Photogallery
07 / 36/news/india/indias-poor-bear-the-brunt-of-heatwave-see-pics/eventshow/91433141.cms?picid=9143334207India’s poor bear the brunt of heatwave; see pics – Photogallery
08 / 36/news/india/indias-poor-bear-the-brunt-of-heatwave-see-pics/eventshow/91433141.cms?picid=9143327908India’s poor bear the brunt of heatwave; see pics – Photogallery
09 / 36/news/india/indias-poor-bear-the-brunt-of-heatwave-see-pics/eventshow/91433141.cms?picid=9143334009India’s poor bear the brunt of heatwave; see pics – Photogallery
10 / 36/news/india/indias-poor-bear-the-brunt-of-heatwave-see-pics/eventshow/91433141.cms?picid=9143334110India’s poor bear the brunt of heatwave; see pics – Photogallery