Newsblog zum Ukraine-Krieg | Explosionen nach Drohnenattacke auf Kiew

Tag 565: Kiew wurde erneut von Drohnen angegriffen. Auf der Krim hat es bei einer Militäreinheit gebrannt. Alle Infos im Newsblog. Das Wichtigste im Überblick Luftalarm in Kiew – Berichte über Drohnenangriffe 0.55 Uhr: In Kiew sind um Mitternacht laute Explosionen zu hören gewesen. Nach Berichten von Reportern vor Ort seien Drohnen über die Stadt … Read more

Germany committed to Indo-Pacific like never before, will show military presence: Chancellor Olaf Scholz

Commending PM Narendra Modi for his initiative under India’s G20 presidency to share concerns of the Global South, which has been particularly affected by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said it’s important G20 under India send a strong message to Moscow and address in particular the global implications of Russia’s “war of aggression”.In … Read more

G20 = G10 + G10: India and US diverge on Russia again

WASHINGTON: US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and her counterparts from the mostly western bloc walked out of a G20 finance boffins session on Wednesday as Russian officials began to speak, a boycott — to protest Moscow’s war on Ukraine — that was not joined by officials from at least ten other nations, including Indonesia, China, … Read more